It’s not giving up. It’s starting over. 

Starting over… Starting over…

Honestly… This post has taken me the longest to write because I am the least familiar with this concept. I thought this would be the easiest, but then I realized that this process looks different for everyone. However, I do know that a big part of this is truly letting go and moving on.

Personally, I don’t think I ever really started over after my past relationships ended. I sort of slid into a new relationship, without taking time for myself which is how I came to lose myself more and more. With each relationship I entered, I never really let go of the pain I felt- the pain I also caused, so I held that old pain against the person I was interested in. That caused so many issues trying to build because my walls were so high. I ended up creating problems in my head. It was like I waited for them to do something wrong. Well, not anymore… This time is different. ❤

Before I continue, I want to make it clear that just because you are starting over does not mean you are giving up. This is super important to your success in starting over.

  • Know that everything in your life doesn’t have to change. Usually people associate starting over with wiping the slate clean, but in fact, that’s not the case. You can still enjoy that Chinese spot; you can still enjoy your favorite snacks and a movie; you can still enjoy that walk around the lake. Granted these things are different because they no longer are accompanied by your partner in crime, but that doesn’t mean you cannot create good memories associated with those things alone.
  • Try to try new things. It might be hard to start over because you might not know where to begin. You can start by trying to remember what made you happy before you entered that relationship. By digging into the past, you can retrieve some of those old passions and hobbies that you’ve been putting off. You can also try new things… join a club, start up a blog, take class. Implementing new things into your routine is a good step to taking control of your life.
  • Get ahead of the game. Sometimes we fall off after a relationship fails and it could be hard to start over. With the newfound time you have, fill it with meaningful things, productive work. Be intentional. Don’t limit yourself to finding a new diet or getting into the gym more often. Plan for your next stages in life- career, living situation, etc. Get moving… get started.
  • It might not feel like it, but you are not alone. Rediscovering your independence can seem quite scary in the beginning. Just remember that by having the right attitude and right people in your life, you will get to it. Share with trusted loved ones who know what you have been through and can be a positive support system. Be vulnerable.

Dating Specifics |

  • My  first piece of advice is wait to date. Before you begin another relationship, get closure from your previous one. It is important to take time to figure out why that relationship didn’t work and to understand your role in the problem. By doing this, you can make sure that you don’t make that mistake again.
  • Understand that dating is a learning process. Once you have made the choice to dive back into dating, it is important to know that it won’t be smooth sailing. You’ll go on dates. You’ll either be really into them, or they might be really into you. You might have to break a heart a little. You risk getting hurt. So, it can be uncomfortable, yes. So, while dating, it is important that you also learn to  be comfortable being alone.
  • Do not fixate on dating. Focus on yourself. This is hard. It’s hard to go from having someone to talk to everyday to not having that one person anymore. However, if you try feeling this void because you feel like you need to, you risk becoming dependent on the person. And that, that my dear is a recipe for disaster. Everything you need is within you.
  • As you begin to date, listen to how they talk about past relationships. How someone talks about their past relationships is how they will talk and think about you. If they constantly blame their ex and never take ownership, that can be a red flag. It is important to listen and pay attention to what they learned from their past relationships, what they learned about themselves as well.

Whether you are looking for friendships or relationships, take your time, pay attention, enjoy the process.

Let me know how you start over after a relationship down below in the comments.

Phase 1 Complete. Next Phase: Moving On

Now, what’s harder than letting go?

You guessed it – moving on.

Moving on is not an easy process at all. It can be quite scary to actually come to terms that you have let go and are no longer looking back… And I’m sure we all wish it was just as simple as putting the past behind us, forgetting it ever happened, getting over it, and just looking forward to what’s to come in the future. Well… issa no. These steps may help to move on, but there is so much more to it.

For me, no matter how much I wanted to put the past behind me, it seemed to always linger in the back of my mind. Ultimately, it affected the way I viewed my friendships, relationships, myself; it affected my thoughts, decisions, and even my actions. It wasn’t until I was able to think consciously and with an open mind that I was able to come to realizations that made it easier to move on. This for me was extremely hard because it meant that I had to disconnect with my feelings and my pride.

I think the most important thing to remember is that moving on takes time, probably more time than you think. Because trust that there is a significant difference in thinking that you have moved on and actually having moved on. Knowing the difference makes all the difference.

I’m no expert (like at all) because I just realized that I’m still in this process, but here are some steps I’ve used to help move on. *Disclaimer: These steps are in no particular order, and they aren’t meant to be crossed off the list. Each step is a step in the right direction.

  1. Let go of your baggage. Acknowledge how you felt, accept it, and then let go of those old feelings.
  2. Recognize that he/she may not be “the one.”
  3. Gain closure from him/her.
  4. Forgive him or her.
  5. Cut the line of communication and cut the amount of contact with him/her.
  6. Know that there is nothing wrong with you… or him/her.
  7. Share how you are really feeling with people close to you.
  8. Do things you enjoy.
  9. Meet new people.
  10. Love yourself the way you want to be loved.

So now I leave you with this…

When moving on, what helped you?
How did it help ease the way to starting over?

Share your comments, personal stories, tips & advice below.

Welcome to Part One: Letting Go

Truly trusting and letting go is one of the hardest things we can do. In fear, we tend to hold onto things that we shouldn’t – our past experiences, our expectations, our pain…

It’s time to realize that you, the people in your life, as well as the world are changing. Just because something was right for you at one point in your life doesn’t mean that it still is. As you start to spend more time with yourself, you start to realize what you want in life and hopefully from there you start to make lifestyle changes.

“But how do I know that it’s time to let go?”

 If someone is starting to negatively affect you, then it’s time to let go. The people you spend time with impact who you are and who you become.

 If you have outgrown someone, then it’s time to let go. As sad and hurtful as this can be, it’ll be more detrimental to hold onto that relationship or friendship. I can promise you that from experience.

 If you are no longer happy with your current situation or your goals have changed, then it’s time to let go.  What was right for you at one point may not be right now. And that’s okay. That only means you’re growing.

If you continue to relive the past, then it’s time to let go. By continuing to relive your past, you create a mental space that doesn’t allow for you to experience something new, something fun, something worth while.

If you are holding onto a grudge, let it go. Holding on to feelings of anger, hatred, or resentment will not only keep you from moving forward, but also block future blessings and opportunities coming your way.

If you are letting fear guide your life, then it’s time to let go of whatever you fear. A major key of letting go and moving on is facing your fears to allow your spirit to be free.

If you are no longer learning, then it’s time to let go. Living life is all about learning, so if you aren’t learning, then what is life.

“But how do I actually let go?”

If you don’t take anything else away, take this… DISTANCE yourself. Distancing yourself is a key to this entire process. By taking steps away from the situation, it can provide you a sense of clarity. While distancing yourself, take a break, maybe find something new, and then go back to the situation. There’s a big difference between never leaving a situation and returning where you left off.

Do not waste your energy on things you cannot change. Focus your energy on what can actually be changed.  Understanding that some things are not meant to be changed is important. If you find that you can’t change something, then change the way you think about it. Reframing your thoughts will be the second most important thing with letting go.

It is so easy yet irresponsible of ourselves to look around for someone or a situation to blame for our own stress and suffering. Accept things for what they are and be thankful for them, and claim full control of your life. By letting go you are being thankful for the experiences both good and bad because you are now allowing that experience to teach you. By accepting things, you not only accept the past, the present, but also accept the new possibilities and opportunities destined for you. Accepting the circumstances surrounding your life allow you to regain control because at the end of the day, no one is responsible for you, but you. You are in full control of your life. You hold the most power in your life. Remember, all decisions must go through you. 

Yesterday is a thing of the past. Focus on today. Try something new. Switch up your scenery and the people around you. You can decide at any moment that you no longer want the past to interfere with the present or your future. You can decide at any moment to try something new. You can decide at any moment that the company you keep has overstayed their welcome. The choice is yours…

So I leave you with this…

What are you not letting go that’s holding you back?
What steps do you need to take in order to move on

Share your thoughts down below in the comments. 


Words I Wish Someone Had Told Me

We have all been there,
A place where we’re just lost,
A place where the hurting never seems to end,
A place where you don’t know where to go,
A place where you don’t know what to do next.
We might even become frustrated with ourselves.
It seems as if nothing we do is right,
But only a step further in the wrong direction.
We have all been here.

Well I have some words for you,
Words I wish someone told me.

It’s okay to not be okay.
It’ll hurt now,
But time-
Time heals all wounds.
Know your worth.
You have been through so much,
It’s your time to be happy.
It’s time to take care of yourself.
Not all is lost,
All is to gain from this pain.
You deserve happiness.
You deserve the love you give to others,
You deserve genuine love,
You deserve unconditional love.
Words are great,
But actions speak louder.
Don’t settle for people who say they care.
You deserve people who show you care.
You’re beautiful.
You’re strong.
There’s no need to compare your life to those around you,
You’re exactly who and where God wants you to be.
Have faith in Him.
Have trust in Him.
Take your time,
You’re worth the wait.
Be free from negativity.
Only surround yourself and involve yourself with positivity,
Vibes, thoughts, actions, people.
Everyday is yet another chance to try again;
Because not to spoil the ending for you,
But everything is going to be okay.


You know how you hear people say to pray when things are bad? Then that is usually followed up with someone telling you that it is important to not only pray when things are bad, but also when things are good. I have recently learned that is the same thing with counseling. Counseling isn’t just for those who need it badly, but it could just mean you’re going to take care of your mental health with a check-in, almost like going to the doctor twice a year.

I’ve recently started going back to counseling, and I wasn’t sure of how I felt about it in the beginning because I felt so guarded towards my counselor, but this past session was really good for me. We talked about forgiveness.

She asked me, “What is something you have had to forgive in order to move on in life?”

I really had to sit and think on this one… Forgiveness does not mean that what happened to you, or what someone did to you is OK. Forgiveness simply means that you are no longer going to let what happened, or what someone did hurt you and hinder your happiness. Forgiveness does not come just because an apology was made, or acknowledgment was given. Forgiveness comes when you realize that your soul deserves peace.

I think one of the hardest things to do is actually forgive and leave that situation in the past, but I think harder than that is forgiving yourself. 

I know for me personally it’s hard for me to forgive myself. It’s hard knowing that I’ve done things in my past that I’m not proud of; I don’t regret anything because I learn from reflecting on my experiences, but in some cases, I wish I knew then what I know now.

What is really hard about this is coming to terms with the fact that only myself and God know my heart. With that I have also had to learn that when God forgives, it’s more simple. He doesn’t hold that situation against you. He also doesn’t take love away from you when you’ve done something bad; you don’t have to earn His love, He loves you just as you are.

That has been one of my biggest hurdles to get across because I have been afraid to admit to my wrongs thinking that He wouldn’t be able to forgive me. Not only that, I have also been afraid to admit to my wrongs because I have been scared that when I do take a look on everything, I won’t be able to forgive myself…

I don’t want to not be able to forgive myself, but righting your wrongs starts from within, with forgiving you, right?

Situationships are (excuse my French) sh*t!

Have you ever been in a place where you’re single, but at the same time, you’re doing the relationship thing with someone? You know… where you see them on a regular basis, maybe even shacking up together, buying groceries, going on steady dates, building that deep connection… At this point, you might have even had a few arguments. In your mind, you’re happy, content because you’re thinking that you’re ready for that next step- a relationship. Yet, you’re stuck because your someone isn’t on the same page. You’re tired of giving 100% when your someone has a 50/50 mindset, or may not even be checked in at all. You’re ready to be that girlfriend, but your someone “just isn’t ready yet.”

I’m sure we have all been in that place, where we want someone and they claim to want you as well, but they fail to actually make that jump to be in a relationship, so you’re stuck with a sticky situation.

To be honest, that was me… Granted my situation was a little different, but I was in an off and on again relationship with my ex-girlfriend. She told me that she wasn’t ready, but I felt like I could be the one to change her. To my ladies, and my men, never try to be the one to change someone. They will ONLY change if they want to change. I wish I knew then what I know now. Because back then I truly thought I could make her ready. And so I stuck with it…

As the relationship progressed and things started happening, my self-esteem, my confidence, and my awareness of myself started to weaken. I blamed myself for everything because that was the only reason I was getting. I began to think that I wasn’t good enough and that I didn’t deserve to be in a relationship. Then I started to compare myself to the other girls in her life. I should have known then that the person who is for me is never going to have me looking at the next chick wondering what she has that I don’t. But even with all of this, I stayed in this situation. Why? Because when we were good, I was head over heels in love, you couldn’t tell me a thing, and because of that when things got bad, I held onto the good. I think in a way we both did, which made it easier to stay then go.

I hated being in this situation. I hated not being able to share that aspect of my life because it wasn’t official. You want to be able to share something so personal, but then you don’t want to be questioned about the pieces that don’t make sense either. And when these conversations did come up, I only felt worse about myself. It started to take a toll on who I was.

The once confident, vibrant, wild girl had turned into a shy girl who questioned everything and lacked all aspects of trust. Now I know that most of my problems came from putting my heart, my mind, my soul in the hands of someone who wasn’t on the same page as me. And even though I did hit girlfriend status every now and again, the relationship was just as unhealthy as the situationship. The relationship didn’t rebuild my confidence or my self-esteem. I was taunted everyday with the reality of the situation that in an instance, everything could change again. And honestly, I can’t blame anyone but myself for this. This was my own doing.

This situation caused me to meet someone else… I’m not proud of this because in a way, I have come to realize I did what she did, yet I wanted to believe that my doing it wasn’t as bad as her doing it. I gave energy into something I shouldn’t have, and I too probably caused my ex-girlfriend a bit of uneasiness because of this. Wish I could have seen that sooner, but at least I know and understand now. Anyway, this situation was short lived because I wanted my girl. No mater what this new person did, I only wanted what I knew, what was comfortable with me. So I turned away someone who wanted me, the potential in me… someone who saw me as beautiful, intellectual, promising as I already was. I barely gave her a real chance because I was stuck on hope, on false promises, on a foundation that was crumbling. I pushed this girl away because she was giving me everything I needed to fill the void, but not who I wanted to be showing me effort. She gave me everything I was missing from my relationship, but it still wasn’t enough because it wasn’t coming from who I wanted it to be. It wasn’t coming from my girl…

A lilttle disclaimer: My relationship wasn’t all bad. My ex girlfriend wasn’t a bad person. I also wasn’t the perfect saint. We had bad moments, real bad moments, but when I look back on it, I look at the love and care we had for one another, and that is something I will cherish forever. 

Now, I’m no longer in either of these relationships. Because of everything that has happened (and I might go into detail another time), taking space away from the relationship has been the best option. I’m emotionally wrecked. I wish I could blame my ex-girlfriend, but the truth is that I cannot blame anyone but myself. I should have learned the first time, maybe even the second time. I should have made changes as well instead of putting it all onto one person, but I was falling victim to insanity. I was self-destructing. I was tired of going through pain I couldn’t control, so I then decided to control the pain myself. It isn’t until now that I’ve began the process of going deeper within myself to see the role I played in these situations.

My biggest mistakes in these situations were lying to myself and not trusting my intuition and not owning up to my faults. I would lie to myself that I wasn’t ready for a relationship; I would lie and say that I wasn’t deserving of the relationship; I would convince myself that I was asking for too much. I would go against my gut feeling. I would act out in frustration, but never take responsibility. I used to play the victim, it was a role I knew all too well.

Want to know what changed? I got tired of being tired. Now, like I said. I can’t blame anyone else, but myself, but… I got tired of giving relationship benefits without the work being put in. I was tired of giving 100% to people who only gave me 50%. I was tired of chasing after people who treated me as if I was disposable to them. I was tired of myself not being strong enough to walk away from things I know that I didn’t deserve. I was tired of looking in the mirror and not noticing who was looking back. And quite frankly, I don’t want to be tired anymore… I’m taking responsibility and making changes!

So, if you’ve made it this far, thank you. If this doesn’t open your eyes, I hope it teaches you a few things…

  1. Know your worth, then add tax. Not everyone can handle a Porsche, and that’s ok. You were created just the way you are meant to me. Know that, own that.
  2. Fall in love with yourself, first. If you love yourself first then when you meet someone, it will only add to the love you feel. You won’t be dependent on someone else because you will already be filled with the love you need.
  3. Trust yourself. Listen to yourself. Being honest with yourself isn’t easy because sometimes your mind and heart don’t agree, but trust your intuition. You know better than anyone else.
  4. Trust in the process. This is your process, your journey in life. Your process is going to be different than your bestfriend or even your ex-boo’s process. As uneasy as it may be, as uncomfortable as it may be, as hard as it may be, trust in the process. Enjoy it… besides you only have one life to live.

And always remember, if you can’t figure out where you stand with someone, it might be time to stop standing & start walking into a new direction.

Maintain your Motivation

Today is Sunday January 15th, 2017. For many of us, it has been a week or so since the day before you either went back to work, back to school, back to whatever you were doing prior to the winter break. But for all of us, it is two weeks after New Year’s Day. It is two weeks after we’ve made our New Year resolutions to maybe go to the gym and lose weight or tone up, to eat healthier, to travel more, to stack money, or maybe even to have flatter tummies with bigger booties. Whatever the case may be, you are two weeks in.

Most of the New Year resolutions are to lead to lifestyle changes. Studies show that your lifestyle changes when you begin to incorporate habits and routines into your everyday life. Studies also show that it takes 21 days to build a habit – that’s three weeks. So, if you have been sticking to it, then you are already a two-thirds of the way in to making a lifestyle change.  The final stretch is usually the hardest, and now is not the time to give in. Just remember, when you think about quitting, take a moment to remember why you started.

To help you motivate yourself, here are a few tips I suggest you use.

  • Set a goal. For a while I found myself floating around. I didn’t have any sense of where I was going or what I wanted to do. My ideas were all over the place, and because of that, I was unable to focus and really dedicate myself to anything. So, I decided to set minor goals, achievements that would lead to greater accomplishments. Having goals will inspire you and give you the needed push.
  • Make a plan. This is probably obvious as it goes hand-in-hand with setting a goal. But having a goal is nothing if you don’t have a plan. So taking this step seriously is key. Your plan doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be detailed. Plan exactly what you need and give yourself time to either gather what you need or prepare what you need. Plan an appropriate amount of time; DO NOT rush your goals.
  • Surround yourself with inspiration and positivity- energy, friendships, support. I’m a firm believer of you are a product of your environment and the company you keep. If you’re  starting a new hobby in a room, filling the space with positive quotes or encouraging words can have an effect on the outcome. Continue to have focus on your vision. And most importantly, remain positive. Keep an optimistic mindset. Be open. Have people in your life that support you, your work. Have people in your lie that understand why you can’t go out because you’re putting in hours. Have people in your life be there for you.
  • Acknowledge your accomplishments. Give yourself credit. This is plain and simple. We are in a society where  we constantly compare ourselves to others based off accomplishments. Do that, but in that same moment- look at how you are excelling. Look at how you are progressing. Look at how far you’ve come and how much closer you are to that end goal.
  • Enjoy your time off. Sometimes when we set goals, we allow them to consume our lives. That shouldn’t be the case. Create a harmony, a balance amongst your work, your school, your goals, AND your you time. Take the break and time off as time to regroup and clear stress, that way the next time you tackle your goal, you have a clear head.

Using these tips have helped me and continue to help me push through my goals, including this blog, and I hope they help you accomplish yours too. And remember, no one can motivate you until you motivate yourself. 

If you have anything you do to stay motivated, comment them below.

How Important Is Self-Love?

The Importance of Self-Love

I feel as if self-love is constantly talked about in today’s culture. Everyday someone is telling someone to “love yourself,” “embrace who you are,” or “be comfortable in your own skin.” Although we may hear these things on a regular basis, I think we often forget the real importance behind it, which is for ourselves. And as much as we want to encourage others, we must remember that the key word is self. The question remains, how does one achieve self-love and when does one know self-love has been achieved? 

The best place to start is knowing why self-love is important. In today’s culture, images of “perfection” are always being thrown in our faces and shoved down our throats. I know I’m guilty of beating myself up because I didn’t match the image displayed, and I’m sure you’ve done this at least once too. Or maybe it’s not a visual image… maybe it’s a trait someone exhibits or something someone has. Whatever the case may be, give yourself a break. There is no such thing as perfection, so why spend time degrading yourself, lowering your own confidence to reach something unattainable?

The answer is you don’t. Instead of trying to reach perfection, be patient with yourself, and enjoy your journey of growth. For you to truly enjoy your journey, you have to stop putting yourself down and start uplifting yourself. You have to stop dwelling on things you cannot change and start recognizing who you are as well as begin to see your full potential.

You might be asking “well how do I avoid the constant pressure that I’m faced with?” A technique that I use involves turning a flaw into a trait that I love.

For example, I was late on the transition train of being ‘natural.’ Prior to going natural, I would constantly look in the mirror and say to myself, “Gosh. Why can’t my hair be long and thick?” It seemed as if no matter what I did, I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. Then one day, I looked at my moms curls and decided that I was no longer getting perms or relaxers. Even though I made that switch, I still hid my insecurities by wearing weaves and doing protective styles to where my hair was never (and when I say never, I mean neverrr) out. Then the summer after my freshman year in college, I decided that I would no longer define myself by my hair. I decided to embrace my curls and let them flourish. Now, I’ll rock my curls one day, a wig the next, twists for the weekend, and come back with a sew-in. The key is that I no longer live for what other people want. I live for myself, do what I want to do, do things that will make me feel good.

Now this doesn’t mean you’ll be confident 24/7. There will be times when you aren’t feeling the most confident, the days where you’ll be insecure. You’ll even have days where you still compare yourself to others. And that’s okay. Sometimes you need those lower days to reminisce on your higher days; those lows help you appreciate the highs; the low moments are a good reminder of your journey, your growth; your lows make you strong.

On the contrary, this doesn’t mean you can’t have days where you are feeling yourself honey because those days are needed and much appreciated. Others may see you as conceited, but also think they too might just be comparing themselves to you. By no means are you conceited though. You should think of it as uplifting yourself and achieving the things that you want to achieve, loving you.

So take some time to answers these questions.

  • What did you use to feel insecure about? How do you now embrace that flaw?
  • What do you love about yourself?

You’ll find that by answering these questions, you will feel 10x better.  Being able to look into who you are and find that spark will enable you to get through those hard times of life. If you do this often enough, you’ll begin to recognize the good in you, you’ll start to fall in love with yourself. And that is why self-love is so important.

At the end of it all, no matter how you break it down, your longest commitment, your longest relationship is with yourself. When you are down in the slumps, it is you who actually has to put in the work to pick yourself back up, not your support system who encourages you. You do it. Once you realize that your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you have and you invest in that, you’ll fall in love with yourself first, then be able to encourage others to love themselves too.

*Food for Thought: If we do not learn how to love ourselves, then how can we expect others to know how to do so?

Where it all started.

Why are you starting here? Well because I want you to know what this blog means to me and what it could potentially mean to you too.

Ever since I could write, people have been telling me that I write well and that I have a true talent, or skill. And ever since I gained some common sense and experience, people have been coming to me for advice. I have always wanted to do something more, but I’ve been afraid. Well, not anymore! 2017 is my year! I’m no longer going to live in fear. I’m no longer going to watch people around me accomplish the goals I have set for myself. I’m no longer going to dim down my own light. I’m doing everything I want! I’m living by my favorite quote.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
– Marianne Williamson

And with that, As Told by Sid was created as a response to another blog, Meditated Melanin, as it did encourage me to break out and do something that I have always wanted to do – free write. I created this blog in hopes that you will find comfort in knowing that there is someone out there who has gone through the same things as you, or that you will gain insight, another perspective on things you may or may not know about already, or that you will become inspired, motivated to do something you’re passionate about – and not just for a short period of time. As Told by Sid was created to serve as a place of encouragement, empowerment, support, self-love, self-growth, an advice column for friendships and relationships, and truth. It is not a make-believe fairy tale about my life or the world we live in, but an account of the real world, my experiences, my thoughts and the lessons learned and knowledge gained along the way; everything won’t be what you want to hear, but I can promise you it will be real.

I obviously don’t know everything. I’m still getting to know myself. That’s why I’m here… That might be why you stay. I alone or us together will hopefully move towards figuring things out through sharing our experiences and findings. Hopefully this blog will mean as much to you as it does to me. This is a learning process for us all, and I pray it will be a process you grow to love.

With love, I welcome you to As Told by Sid.